Logbook 3: Finalising AR Project Idea and creating roadmap!

Anasthasia Manu
2 min readMar 1, 2021

So didn’t do much last week but this week I will be finalising my final year project and creating a roadmap which includes the final game idea and the tech I need to learn and the exploration of generative methods I want to explore AND the evaluative methods I will need to use for analysis.

There are so many good PCG algorithms I want to implement but I am fully aware of the time line I have so might have to put the scene recognition experience based input at bay 😒.

Meeting 3— Main Outcomes:

  • Discussed idea: AR Super Mario level generator using PCG.
  • Focus on Development and MVP

Since Idea hasn’t been extensively researched, implementation could take longer than I anticipated. Focus on creating working piece and and 1 PCG algorithm as well as evaluation. If time permits then explore other PCG algorithms. Ideal would be comparing 2 algorithms.

  • Decide type of level generator

Focus on choosing what I want to make in term of level design then pick according PCG algorithm. Will help thin down choice.

  • Goals

> Choose algorithm and best evaluation metric by Wednesday (as per Gantt Chart plan I created).

Idea is good but as this hasn’t been done before (once but sign level generated for the HoloLens here). Due to this, it might be hard to implement game design as well as PCG algorithm. Choose maximum 3 algorithms but I will probably get time to go over 1 fully. I will continue to list the interesting algorithms I have found that I might want to explore and respective best evaluation metrics to use when analysing them:

Table of interesting PCG methods and respective evaluation methods

So below shows the plan I have in order to complete the work I have set out. Hopefully by the 16th of July I will have the bulk of it done!

My Gantt Chart for what I plan to implement in the next 5 months

